LOAK2-TX02 Sapele wood, Japanese black persimmon

LOAK2-TX02 Sapele wood, Japanese black persimmon

Front : Titanium
Body : Titanium (3D Printing)
Rear : Wood (Sapele wood, Japanese black persimmon)

Here are two examples of the LOAK2-TX02 using different types of wood: one made from Sapele (Sapele Mahogany) and the other from Japanese black persimmon. The Sapele features a slightly intricate pattern similar to burl wood, while the Japanese black persimmon showcases a brown base with black grain patterns. Both woods are considered medium to low in density and medium in hardness among the woods used by 634EARS. However, I feel that the Japanese black persimmon is slightly denser, whereas the Sapele is less dense.

Both types of TX02 exhibit the characteristic fullness and impact of the TX02, combined with an overall soft and mild tonality. Comparing the two, the less dense Sapele produces sound that is slightly lighter and brighter compared to the Japanese black persimmon. This is especially noticeable in the bass response—Sapele delivers a more restrained and refined low end, while the Japanese black persimmon offers a more robust and pronounced bass presence.

That said, the sound of these two models is quite similar, and the differences are subtle enough that they become apparent only upon close listening. However, with careful comparison, you can sense how the difference in density influences the sound of these two TX02 models.
